“Thank God that such men lived!”

Today, in the United States, is Memorial Day. For many it is a day of picnics, of friends and family, and a day of rest from the work and toil of everyday life. For many more, however, it is a day in which we remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice so that we could be free; free to enjoy the freedoms we have in our country, and continue to enjoy.

The title for the post comes from a quote from General George S. Patton, Jr. The General said, “It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather, we should thank God that such men lived.” 

I know that I thank God for those men, those women and in some cases, those children who fought back against tyranny and against evil, laying down their lives to protect the freedom of people they’d never know. I’m with the General, and I thank God for them, today and every day.

Friends, remember something in addition to that. The media exists to push the negative, the sensational, the fearful. From reading the stories we would think that patriotism is dying, and that most of the people in our country hate the USA and all that it stands for.

THAT’S NOT TRUE. The majority still love our country and the principles on which it was founded. This Memorial Day, as we remember those who gave all for our freedoms, let us also remember that we’re not alone. A great many, indeed, I believe, a majority, will be doing it with us.

God bless today, my friends – and never forget!